Predictions for the New World

What to expect from 2021

Kirsty Hayden
4 min readJan 4, 2021

No one can deny that 2020 was a year that rocked the world, and one whose repercussions we’ll see for many years to come. One of the main contributors to this is, of course, COVID-19.

While the first human cases of COVID-19 were actually reported in December 2019, it wasn’t until 2020 that the disease really took root and spread across the globe with devastating consequences. The world shut down in a way most of us had never experienced before and the globe had to learn how to live in ‘the new normal’.

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

However, while many are eagerly waving goodbye to 2020, the sad truth of it is that not much is going to change simply because we moved from December 21st 2020 to January 1st 2021. Before we can return to normal, we have to sit tight a bit longer and be patient as the vaccines roll out… but what even is normal nowadays?

Over the past year the world has had to deal with how COVID has forced us to change our way of everyday living. Will these changes cease when COVID is gone? Will they remain? Will our idea of normal change? With these questions in mind, here are some thoughts on changes we might see in the coming months and years.


In an ever advancing technological age, COVID has really shown us the need, and want, for more technology in our lives. Whether it’s for business or pleasure, the ‘new normal’ shows how dependent we are on technology to see us through times like these. There’ll probably be an even bigger boom in gaming. Already in the past year we’ve seen developments in virtual and augmented reality, the introduction of 5G, Xbox Series X, the PS5, and so much more. We can fully expect the gaming industry to continue to amaze us with even more games, consoles and perhaps even better graphics (how much more realistic can they get?). We’ll also more than likely see advances in areas such as cameras, microphones, headsets, green screens and backgrounds that are easy to use for the average Joe, all due to the increased volume of home working. Speaking of which….

Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

Working from Home

2020 showed us many things, one of which is that, for many, home working is not only possible, but actually preferable. The day seems so much longer now without the daily commute to and from the office. With all that reclaimed time you could spend quality time with family, take up a new hobby, work out — the possibilities are endless. While working from home does present it’s own challenges, many people still say they prefer it and would like to continue working from home at least a few days of the week in the future. It is clear that office life will never really return to what it once was and so developments in making home working easier and more efficient and are surely on their way.

Photo by Standsome Worklifestyle on Unsplash

Personal Space

Another thing we have all become conscious of is personal space. We don’t want to stand too close to others — for obvious reasons. When out walking it’s now the norm to give people a respectful, wide berth as you pass each other. This can also be seen in shops, cafés, supermarkets… anywhere you encounter people from different households. While many of us can’t wait to be able to hug our family and friends again without worry I feel that, when it comes to strangers, many of us will carry on giving this new, and often subconscious, extra space. Many even enjoy it. After all, no one likes someone standing too close and breathing down your neck in a queue, pandemic or not.

Photo by Charley Litchfield on Unsplash

In times like these it’s hard to predict just how much our world will change, especially when there are so many other influences besides COVID. We can only guess, try to be ready, and hope that the changes are for the better.



Kirsty Hayden

From Ireland, currently living in London. Avid reader, writer and animal lover (especially my two adopted cats) and I love exercising and cooking.