Anarchy In The USA

The Result of a ‘Shameful’ President

Kirsty Hayden
3 min readJan 6, 2021
Image from Chicago Sun Times Website

A day that will forever be remembered in history.

The scene that unfolded in the capital of the United States of America is one that shocked the world. Trump supporters flooded Capitol Hill, broke windows, stormed the senate, incited violence… Shocking behavior.

However, perhaps one of the biggest shocks is that it actually isn’t much of a shock at all.

How can it be when President Trump has continuously refused to admit he has lost the election? Again and again, he has declared a fraud, declared that he was the winner, that his election this time around was actually more successful than his last one.

“You know I’ve had two elections, I’ve won both of them. It’s amazing. And I actually did much better on the second one.” — Donald Trump, January 4, 2021.

The President has repeatedly dodged the question on whether he will allow for a peaceful pass of power — and now we are seeing the results.

As January 6th grew closer and closer the world watched America with bated breath. There was no denial that something was going to happen, especially when a President desperately intent of keeping power encourages such protests — even asks for them!

While the President tweeted asking his supporters to be peaceful and law abiding, many people and newscasters were shocked that he didn’t immediately address the crowds and ask them to stop and leave.

A President should not Tweet by means of leadership — he should stand up and take responsibility and show leadership. But are we really surprised at how this presidency is ending? As many say, it is consistent.

Image from Daily Mail website
Image from Daily Mail website

He did, FINALLY, speak to the cameras — yet he still continued with the lie that the election was fraudulent. He told the rioters to go home and to stop, yet he repeated how the election was ‘stolen’ from them— the reason why the rioters were there in the first place. He refused to say he lost the election fairly, which only encourages his loyal supporters and conspiracy theorists in their idea that they are defending America.

He used his address as a way to repeat his false claims and lies.

The USA takes pride in its democracy — it is a nation which broadcasts it to the rest of the world. That is why it is so sad that the people storming the Capitol have brought, as President-elect Joe Biden said, ‘a dark moment’ to American democracy.

We can only sit and wonder what the inauguration day will hold and hope that it will be a safe and peaceful transfer.

One thing is quite clear through all of this. In his address about the U.S Capitol Mob Violence, President-elect Joe Biden has shown himself to be a President that the USA both deserves and needs.



Kirsty Hayden

From Ireland, currently living in London. Avid reader, writer and animal lover (especially my two adopted cats) and I love exercising and cooking.